Remote Coaching

What’s Included


Unlimited Text Support

When you sign up for 1-on-1 coaching you get unlimited access and support from me as your coach. You’ll be able to send messages within the app to help keep you accountable, ask questions, and continue working towards your goals.

Two Check-In Calls Per Month

Twice a month we will connect via video chat or phone to check in, track progress, and make adjustments to your plan where needed. Between these check-ins, we will also touch base via the chat function within the app. All this is to help keep you focused and accountable to your plan!

Nutritional Coaching

We will approach nutrition based on your goals and the lifestyle you want to live. Whether that’s finding quick and easy recipes for your busy lifestyle, working to eat more mindfully, or diving deeper into what’s causing you to snack in the evenings. We will take a customized approach to help you feel in control of your eating habits.


Exercise Guidance

Whether your goal is to take your workout routine to the next level or you're just starting, we can work together to take it at your pace and build a sustainable plan. This includes exercise demonstrations with each movement to ensure you’re keeping proper form.

Habit Tracking

We will work together to identify habits each week to help you work towards your ultimate goal. Within the app, you will be able to track these habits to help you take action and stay accountable to your plan.

Other App Features

Depending on your goals we can utilize food logging to help you build awareness around your eating habits and portion sizes. Exercise tracking to help you build new routines and stay accountable. Metric tracking to help track your progress towards your health goals.

Ready to sign up or have some questions?


Book your FREE Introductory call

In this call we’ll go over your needs, goals, and what program options will best help you.

What people are saying

AnnaLisa K.

I have had many personal trainers over the years, Coach Christy by far being the most supportive. She not only focused on the exercises that will help me meet my goals but also on physical well-being, nutrition and can really see the overall picture of health. When I was going on vacation, she was understanding I would not have access to gym equipment, and made a secondary plan to focus on eating the amount of protein I feel I need daily, do one activity a day and HAVE FUN! Thank you Coach Christy for sharing your knowledge, expertise, and commitment to my health and being so compassionate throughout our training.”

Regina S.

“Christy is beyond amazing!! She is more than just a coach, she is a friend. Most coaches just program and don’t really get to know you. Christy takes all aspects of your life into account and then adjusts your programming as needed. She is always willing to find a way to keep you moving. She went above and beyond and even helped me find a physical therapist to consult with when my own doctors couldn’t figure out an injury. I’m now on the mend and preparing to compete in April with her help! Put your trust in her and you will not regret it!”

Charlotte E.

“Growing up as a gymnast I’ve always been acutely aware of what my body looked like and what it could do. Postpartum, I didn’t recognize myself, my body and had no idea where to start with movement. Christy created an exercise program for me that gave me confidence and I watched my body heal and get stronger. My ab separation has improved, my measurements have decreased and I’m fitting into my pre pregnancy clothes again. Even more than the physical accomplishments, she encouraged me to form healthy habits for nutrition and self care that fit into my new life as a mom. The mental (& physical) load of motherhood is heavy but Christy’s guidance has helped lighten it!

Let’s kickstart your health journey.