Take control of your health.

What is health coaching?


Health coaching works to address the WHOLE person. More often than not people focus solely on nutrition and movement. While we can most definitely work on these areas, there can also be a number of other factors that can influence a person’s health including hydration, sleep, and stress just to name a few. 

Everyone’s health and wellness journey is unique to them and we will work together to take it step by step to build lasting lifestyle change. Whether your goal is to run a 5k, feel more confident in your body, or improve your overall health to have the energy for your three little ones at home, we can work towards that goal!

Overcome your obstacles.


Identify your starting point

Not only do we want to take note of the challenges you’re facing, but what are your strengths?

Explore your vision

What does living healthy and well look like to you? It looks different to everyone.

Establish action plans

We will work together to take this step by step and create personalized plans.

Ongoing support

Monthly calls, unlimited text support, habit tracking, food logging, and so much more.

Meet Christy

I’m a former collegiate athlete, national board certified health coach, strength and conditioning coach, wife, and mom to one crazy little boy. What motivates me as a coach is seeing how building healthy habits and behavior change impacts a person not only on the outside but more importantly on the inside.

Healthy living is all about balance and our goal is to find YOUR balance.

What People Are Saying

“Her skill set is top notch and she takes the time to teach you rather than just tells you what to do. Understanding the why-behind-the-what makes such a lasting impression.”

— Stephanie R.

“Christy helped me to build and keep realistic habits while navigating motherhood.”

— Morgan P.

Feeling unsure of where to start when it comes to working out?

Get my FREE Exercise Guide: 5 Efficient Moves to Build Strength & Fitness

Let’s kickstart your health journey.

We will work together to take this step by step.